Ron Bellanti - Stop Drunk Driving Now Blog

Monday, June 10, 2013

Choosing a Path

We have all been there.  After a party or a night in the city we have to figure out how to get back home. We can make the decision of having a designated sober driver, sleeping somewhere within walking distance, paying for a cab, calling your parents for a ride, or taking the chance of getting in a car with whoever is the least drunk. Before making this decision, think. The path you take can have a life-altering outcome.
The safest and most convenient of the five is having a designated sober driver. Someone who you know will not be tempted to drink during the night and who can get everyone home safely. This is obviously the ideal situation, but not many people want to be sober all night while their friends are partying. So even if someone promises to be a sober driver, always have a back up plan, just incase that person doesn’t keep his or her promise.
The other safe options are walking, taking a cab or calling your parents. If there is no place to walk, or you don’t have money for a cab, CALL YOUR PARENTS.  Nobody wants their mom or dad to witness them drunk or to have their parents yell for waking them up at 3am, but what is the alternative?  Getting in a car with someone who has been drinking should never be an option. Your parents may get mad or yell a little, but a little punishment would seem like a reward compared to what could happen—jail, serious injury, or death. Driving drunk is never worth the consequences. Think before you act, Never Drive Drunk.

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