Ron Bellanti - Stop Drunk Driving Now Blog

Monday, July 30, 2012

Cops Are Cracking Down In Southern MA

After multiple deadly accidents along routes 24 and I-195 police are cracking down on drivers. This past weekend, there were 9 alleged drunk drivers and police ticketed 222 other drivers in the area. This year alone 6 people have been killed on route 24 SO FAR - there were only 5 deaths in all of 2011!  Out of two of the men that were arrested for drunk driving this weekend, one was caught driving in the wrong direction while the other was involved in a 2-car accident.

Police are taking up extra patrols at peak hours in order to put a stop to this reckless driving and needless deaths. 

Click Here for the original article

1 comment:

  1. According to a recent study, drinking and driving is the leading cause of many car accidents these days. Driving while under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous and a lot of innocent people can be injured or even killed because of these drunk drivers. I personally agree with the charge of impaired driving in Toronto. All those drunk drivers should be punished for their mistakes!
