Ron Bellanti - Stop Drunk Driving Now Blog

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Moment of Truth - Gloucester High School

Ron Bellanti and the Stop Drunk Driving Now team attended the Gloucester High School to remind teens about the dangers of drunk driving.  Gloucester Fire Chief Stephen Aiello and Police Lt. Joe Aiello were also in attendance and spoke to the students about the legal consequences drunk drivers face, as well of the emotional and social harm a drunk driver has on everyone in the community. Lt. Aiello recalled emergency situations he's been called to, where, unfortunately, he had to tell  Gloucester parents that their child was either killed or responsible for the death of another teen due to drunk driving.

The star of the night not only for her bravery but for the impact her story will have on so many teens was Alisha, a current Gloucester High School student. Alisha herself and the entire audience held back tears as, for the first time ever, Alisha publicly spoke about losing her big sister because of a drunk driver. 


From left to right : Katherine, an intern, organized and orchestrated the event of behalf of Stop Drunk Driving Now. Amy Kamm - Gloucester High School Counselor and Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) advisor. Alisha, Gloucester High School Student and event speaker. Ron Bellanti, President of Stop Drunk Driving Now. Glen Asaro, owner of Sunbanque and event sponsor. Gloucester Fire Chief Stephen Aiello. Lt. Joe Aiello. Joan Whitney, Director of Healthy Gloucester Collaborative/ Substance Abuse Prevention Services, Gloucester Health Department. Caitlin Kreitman, Gloucester Drug Free Community Counselor. 


Gloucester High School students in the school's auditorium 


Lt. Aiello urges teens to think twice about drinking and driving 


Ron Bellanti and Alisha discuss the traumatic accident that took the life of Alisha's big sister


Ron Bellanti, Alisha and Katherine